





雨和愁有著扯不斷的情誼,曾經年少對雨獨鐘,而今白了少年頭。十年過去了,這期間有多少陽光照進心裡,卻有多少雨下在回憶裡,下在夢裡。不懂我的人,覺得我很冷,認識我的人,覺得我是個話癆,真正懂我的人,知道我經歷過十年風雨依舊洗不去那眼中藏不住的憂傷。而就在今夜,雨還在下,我還在聽,雨下的不是故事,我聽的也不是記憶。我只想用孩子的心聆聽這大地,你聽﹗雨正在用盡他全部的生命在洗刷著大地,因為他愛大地,但有時他給的愛太多,便予愛成災。就在這夜瀾人靜時聽雨,透過雨窗借著微光,去看這世界。你也許會發現,一切逼真的事物,如此的模糊,而且還伴隨著順窗流下的雨變形。這時,真的會感覺這個世界真的有點假。只有雨還在唱,時而低唱、時而高亢、時而瘋狂、時而怒吼…霹靂啪啦…滴嗒滴嗒…如果是幕色下,聆聽這雨,誰人不會想起西湖上,斷橋邊,行雨匆匆一把破傘兩顆心。如果是清晨,看到煙霧籠罩的山坡,沿著渭水走著,再聽這雨,在看那水,你分不清何為水聲何為雨聲,這是也會無故念起那位直鉤釣魚愿者上鉤的姜太公,一蓑煙雨任平生domestic helper


























肺主氣,“久臥傷氣”。長期臥床的人,必然會氣虛。現代有人統計認為,臥床三個月等於衰老三十年。比如,一個人即使沒有病,一直在床上躺著,幾天之後下床活動就會氣短心慌,好像已經到了老年一樣。因為臥床日久,肺氣的宣發肅降不利,日久就可以造成氣虛International Transport



What foods to eat less?

Around us exactly how many diets is threatening the health of it? What foods to eat less? Britain authoritative experts to resolve toxic and harmful food for everyone! 1 margarine In 1869, chemist Mulie Si invented easier than butter substitutes saved: margarine, Napoleon III had personally for his award to recognize and reward. Disaster Tags: trans fatty acids. Although margarine has a nice name: plant creamer, creamer, shortening, vegetable cream, in fact, they have a common chemical name "trans fatty acids". Mouthwatering delicious behind, it is highly likely lay hidden dangers for the health of the people, leading to a high incidence of pc board suppliers diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer and other diseases. Expert Weapon: According to the survey, biscuits, bread, chocolate pie, salad dressing, cream cake, ice cream, pearl milk tea, coffee mate, etc. are trans fatty acids "hardest hit" to try to eat. Buy packaged foods, it is necessary to pay attention to food nutrition labels listed vegetable cream, hydrogenated vegetable oil, vegetable shortening and other foods containing trans fatty acids, it is recommended to buy with caution. 2, MSG In 1908, a Japanese scientist invented MSG from the food becomes more delicious. Disaster Tags: sodium glutamate. MSG is a chemical seasoning, the main ingredient is sodium glutamate, can be decomposed into an inhibitory neurotransmitter drop cloth in the human body. Excessive intake of MSG may cause a variety of neurological function in the human body in an inhibitory state, dizziness, headache, muscle cramps and other symptoms. MSG contains sodium, excessive intake can also lead to high blood pressure. Expert Weapon: MSG invented the original intention understandable, but too casual use, indeed worrisome. Recommended in the study, added MSG in every dish should not exceed 05 mg. However, on the market, many sauces, juice, such as oyster sauce, curry, soy sauce all contain sodium glutamate. Cooking add the seasonings, you do not have to recapture the MSG should put less salt. In addition, the restaurant is to ensure that the taste of the dishes, added MSG usually more recommended to minimize the number of dining out. 3, canned meat products Meat come out in 1937, the only British annual sales amounted to 60 billion cans, enough to explain its popularity. Disaster Tags: nitrite. It is often used as a coloring agent and preservative used in the processing of cooked meat, especially canned meat products contain higher concentrations. Excessive intake of nitrite can cause food poisoning, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, long-term consumption and even cause cancer. Expert Weapon: In fact, in addition to nitrite, salt, fat content is too high, the loss of vitamin B1 and other nutritional drawbacks are cooked meat. Therefore recommended to try not to buy canned meat and cooked meat, buy less, eat more fresh, home-cooking meat. 4, fried chicken In 1952, Colonel Sanders first KFC restaurant opened in Utah. Disaster Tags: saturated fatty acids. Restaurant fried foods, in order to guarantee the taste, and often would choose palm oil and other oil with a high content of saturated fatty acids. Saturated fat is the enemy of the cardiovascular, elevated cholesterol, induced high cholesterol, diabetes, and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Fried chicken, usually wrapped in a layer of batter, this will make people more fat intake. Oil of fried food, usually 5-7 days, the repeated frying harmful substances. In addition, after the high temperature frying of food, the loss of vitamins is also very serious. Expert Weapon: fried food, preferably with vitamin and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as: lotus, rapeseed, cowpea, taro, hawthorn, jujube, kiwi and citrus fruits, etc.. The meat itself contains unsaturated fatty acids, so the best way of cooking such as steaming, stewing, and to reduce its fat content. 5, bowl of instant noodles Bowl of instant noodles in Japan in 1971, was born, followed by the introduction of other countries. Disaster Tags: polystyrene. Box of instant noodles bowl usually containing polystyrene, this material at temperatures above 65 degrees Celsius, carcinogenic substances, a serious threat to human health. Seasoning of instant noodles bowl containing food additives and preservatives. In addition, the vitamin and mineral content is extremely low, on the contrary the sodium content is quite amazing. According to statistics, the two times the maximum daily intake of the Special Committee on Nutrition of the United States House of Lords under the salt content of a bowl of instant noodles contained sodium glutamate about as much as 1 gram. Expert Weapon: do not often eat instant noodles. Bowl surface is best not to buy ready-to-eat, eat the best time to cook. Noodles, preferably with some vegetables and protein-rich foods, such as: spiced corned egg, tofu, cucumber, tomatoes and other vegetables. Spices only put half the fine. If the food bowl of instant noodles is best for soup. 6, the large cheeseburger Large cheeseburger cheese Association named the country as the "plowman's lunch" (Ploughman'slunch) became popular. Disaster Tags: bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is divided into high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, the former has a protective effect on the cardiovascular, often called "good cholesterol"; latter high, will increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, often called "bad cholesterol. " Numerous domestic and international studies have confirmed that the human intake of too much bad cholesterol, is easy to increase the risk of suffering from the disease of the "three highs" (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar). [ Expert Weapon: custard, the meat is usually high bad cholesterol content, not always a lot of food. Eat such foods should be noted, with some containing dietary fiber-rich foods, such as: celery, carrots, beans, corn, oats. Vitamin C and vitamin E content of fruits and vegetables, such as: citrus, kiwi, grapes, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, can reduce blood fat, adjust the lipid metabolism. In addition, a cup of tea is also a good choice, tea pigment tea can lower blood cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and thrombosis, green tea is better than black tea. In addition to the food, there are four kinds of food fat and high cholesterol, the crisis in human health, have been included in the "blacklist": born in 1933 in the American cheese steak (Cheesesteak), launched by the British in 1982 contained莱曼斯伍德 (the Lymeswold) cheese, fried chocolate bars (Deep-friedMarsBar) available in 1995, and French quiches (Quiche).


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